Change is in the air. Although the humidity feels like peak
summer, there is no denying the surrounding signs of autumn. Foliage trades
green for yellow. Goldfinches, still tawny, graze the Echinacea seed heads.
Spider webs large and small pop up unannounced on familiar pathways.
Ever changing also is pain’s ebb and flow for the
creature(s) you love. Some of them are afloat in the blessing bowl. Here is my
equinox prayer for us. It’s adapted from Peter Traben Haas in Centering
Prayers, 2013.
Help me to stay open to love in this world of pain. Do not
let me close down in hurt; open me through forgiveness. When I turn inward in
my worries, lift my eyes skyward. If I feel unworthy in loneliness, remind me
of my infinitesimal but essential value serving life on our sometimes dreary
planet. In silence and surrender, draw me to love.